Fishing Report

Fishing Report as of 5 days ago 

Chinook Salmon
Chinook Salmon
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

Chinook are spread throughout the lower river. Boat anglers side drifting or back bouncing eggs have been doing well. The estuary has been slow. Coho salmon are just starting to show in the bay and lower river. Coho numbers will continue to build into October. Usually October is a good month for bank anglers targeting chinook heading back to Indian Creek Hatchery. Bank access near the mouth of Indian Creek is really good. Some of the best methods are bobber fishing eggs or anchovies, and casting spinners. 

Summer steelhead and half-pounder fishing has slowed down in the lower river. Most anglers are fly fishing or casting spinners. The best spots to target steelhead are the tail out or head of pools.

Rogue River, middle: steelhead, trout, chinook

Anglers fishing the middle Rogue up to Gold Hill are catching fall chinook. Best fall chinook baits include roe and Kwikfish with sardine wraps. Some anglers are side drifting Brads Wee Wigglers and Rebel Crawfish.
Anglers may keep both adipose fin-clipped and non adipose fin-clipped chinook from the Hog Creek boat landing to the Fishers Ferry boat ramp through Sept. 30, when the chinook season closes in that area.
Summer steelhead are passing through the area. All non-adipose fin-clipped steelhead must be released unharmed. Anglers can have success casting flies, drifting nightcrawlers, or casting spinners like a Panther Martin with a black body and gold blade.
The flow at Grants Pass was 1,490 cfs, and the water temperature was 55oF on Sept. 23.
The Rogue River is open for trout fishing; however, only adipose fin-clipped rainbow may be kept. All non-adipose fin-clipped rainbow trout and all cutthroat trout must be released unharmed. Anglers are having good success for trout with spoons and spinners.

Rogue River, upper: steelhead, trout, chinook

Summer steelhead and trout anglers are doing well on the upper Rogue.  Fishing upstream of Fishers Ferry boat ramp is restricted to artificial flies until Nov 1. Anglers should try egg flies or stone flies with nymph droppers and fish on or near the bottom.  The release from Lost Creek Reservoir was 1,100 cfs, while the flow at Gold Ray was 1,590 cfs and the water temperature was 54oF on Sept. 23.
The annual artificial fly season began on Sept. 1 between Fishers Ferry Boat Ramp and Cole Rivers Fish Hatchery. Anglers may use any type rod or reel, but only artificial flies may be fished, and no metal core lines or added weights or attachments are allowed except a bobber or similar floating device.
A total of 9,488 spring chinook, 1,217 summer steelhead, 56 fall chinook, and one coho salmon have entered Cole Rivers hatchery so far in 2013.
rainbow trout
Rainbow Trout
- Photo by Roger Smith-
Trout fishing is always a good bet on the upper Rogue. Only adipose fin-clipped rainbow may be kept. All non-adipose fin-clipped rainbow trout and all cutthroat trout must be released unharmed.

Rogue River, above Lost Creek Reservoir: trout

The premier summer trout fishery in the Rogue watershed is the river above Lost Creek Reservoir, offering shade, scenery and fishing opportunities for trout. Legal-sized rainbow trout will be stocked weekly at campgrounds and public access sites along Hwy 62 and Hwy 230 until Labor Day. In addition, wild rainbow, cutthroat, brown and brook trout are found in the river and many of its tributaries. Most anglers fish either PowerBait or salmon eggs on light gear, although casting spinners and flies will work as well.

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